USI Alumni in the world: 13 Chapter meetings in 2018


Alumni Service

23 April 2019

2018 was a year full of events organised by graduates for all the alumni living abroad. 13 international Chapter meetings took place involving USI alumni from China to the United States with the participation of 146 people including graduates, professors and staff. This first year of the project has already borne fruits thanks to the creation of an USI International Students Scholarship, and a mentoring programme from graduates to students.

2019 kicked off with a Chapter meeting in Iran, organised in a restaurant on the hills of Tehran, and with two meetings of the London’s Chapter (UK), very active thanks to the over 80 graduates who work and live in the Capital.

The next event will take place on 25 May in Madrid, Spain.

The idea to set up a scholarship for future international students (USI International Students Scholarship) was born during the networking meetings, supported by alumni willing to give a chance to other students of the same nationality to attend USI in Lugano, Mendrisio or Bellinzona.
Within the next days, a survey will be sent to see if graduates around the world are interested in contributing in order to maintain a high international students flow - currently from 96 countries - at USI. Activities for the International Student Chapters, dedicated to current international students enrolled at USI will also start in 2019.

A mentorship programme for students and graduates interested in starting a new career path will also kick off this year, to help them kick start their careers directly in a company of interest. 

All graduates who want to attend Chapter meetings in their own country can find a list of dates and cities for the upcoming events at this link. Should there be no Chapter in your country, please contact the Alumni Service if you are interested in volunteering as point of contact.


Bachelor Ministage

Academy of Architecture

Lo spazio delle donne - Brogi

Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society