SNSF - Lead Agency, now also possible with USA

Research Service

Submission deadline: 3 April 2023

Submission deadline: 3 April 2023

The Lead Agency process is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who wish to conduct a cross-border research project, together with applicants in a country that has signed an agreement with the SNSF. It's not a funding scheme in its own right, but part of the project funding scheme.
A new agreement between the SNSF and the National Science Foundation simplifies cooperation between researchers in Switzerland and USA, after the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded in November 2021.


The Lead Agency process is part of the SNSF's project funding scheme: researchers may submit a Lead Agency application if there are no thematic overlaps with applications under evaluation at the SNSF or with ongoing projects.
The projects must have a joint research question and research plan: the parts conducted in each country cannot be carried out separately.
The Lead Agency Procedure starts with selected Directorates and Divisions of the NSF

Participating countries

The SNSF has signed a Lead Agency agreement with five countries or regions:

For additional multilateral agreement, check the Weave page on the SNSF website. Weave is a multilateral agreement, which enables collaborative projects under the same framework conditions with all participating countries and simplifies the submission of joint applications by centralising evaluation at a single agency. 

For more info, please visit the dedicated section on SNSF website.