Porto Academy / Visiting Mendrisio 2023


Academy of Architecture

Start date: 18 July 2023 / 07:00

End date: 25 July 2023 / 22:00

Porto Academy
Accademia di architettura USI
18-25 July 2023

Porto Academy is the result of an enormous passion for architecture as a discipline. It is a manifesto of pluralism and opportunity based on close tuition from a diverse range of architects, artists and curators. It is an alternative educational experience, unburdened by established rules or dogmas, where students learn first hand from the singular visions of practice exemplified by invited tutors.
We admire the figures that dream about architecture, who build, study and promote it. We believe that practice – as an exercise of the architect’s profession – is central to the future of the discipline. Porto Academy was founded to push forward this vision and the architects with whom it is shared.
Porto Academy promotes an exhaustive program lived with an enormous intensity. It is an experience that involves lectures, visits to important architectural sites, classes, exhibitions and the creation of publications. While experiencing living in a new city, students get to know people from very heterogeneous backgrounds with whom one will almost certainly generate productive discussions and build new friendships.
Porto Academy has created a truly global community of students and practitioners over the past years. Around 1700 participants from 87 different nationalities have participated in the Porto Academy programs. Our invited lecturers and guests have come from a wide range of origins and fields of action with more than 150 invited guests from 26 different nationalities.
The academy proposes a brief but powerful cultural and educational experience in dialogue with ambitious and globally relevant architects during which time, one lives with a passion for the discipline and an intellectual freedom of enduring value. Every guest is invited to freely explore a thematic and develop work with their own specific and unique methodology.
Porto Academy aims to dilute borders and bring people together to the essence of what architecture is. More than ever, it is a time to meet, to physically experience space and to establish social and fruitful connections.
To us, Porto Academy is a compliment to the prevalent idea of school.

Following the successful experience of the Summer School in Porto and the Visiting programs in Mexico City and Versailles, Porto Academy aims now to a new Visiting School entitled Visiting USI-ARC Mendrisio, that will take place from July 18 to July 25 2023 in the district of Mendrisio in the canton of Ticino, Switzerland.
The Visiting USI-ARC Mendrisio program will be a celebration of the 10 years of existence of the Porto Academy which started in 2013. What was meant to be a once off happening turned into a succession of unforgettable moments of shared knowledge and experiences.
Accademia di Mendrisio and Porto Academy share this common ground of interest and passion for the discipline of architecture. This is reflected by the quality of the different guests tutors who are recognized by their work in the field of education and practice. But also for the students or practitioners who are also coming from a wide range of origins turning this into an international and multicultural experience of learning.


Guest Lecturers

Workshop Leaders



  • Days: 8
  • Lectures: 8
  • Studios: 6
  • Studio Work: 54 hours
  • Accommodation: 9 nights (** For price without accommodation please contact us)
