Janos Majer, Cross Asset Research Analyst, Crisil


Alumni Service

29 July 2024

To help current students and recent graduates navigate the world of work, several USI Alumni shared their career paths and career story. Here the story of Janos Majer, Cross Asset Research Analyst at Crisil in Wrocław (PL). USI Degree: Master in Economics, 2023.

How did you start your career?

Previously, I worked as Fixed Income Investment Specialist at Nordea Asset Management, one of the largest asset managers in the Nordics. Currently, I hold the position of Cross Asset Research Analyst at CRISIL (S&P Global) in Poland. I specialize in analyzing macroeconomic and financial market data to drive investment strategies, with a focus on the EMEA region. I assess the impact of macroeconomic data releases on financial market dynamics, providing valuable insights for investment decision-making.

Why did you choose a career at Crisil?

I was drawn to my current company for its exceptional opportunities in investment banking and macro research. The chance to gain exposure to both fields simultaneously was a compelling factor in my career decision.

What is your current role/duties?

Currently, I hold the position of Cross Asset Research Analyst at CRISIL (S&P Global) in Poland. I specialize in analyzing macroeconomic and financial market data to drive investment strategies, with a focus on the EMEA region. I assess the impact of macroeconomic data releases on financial market dynamics, providing valuable insights for investment decision-making.

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Crisil?

In my opinion, success at my current company requires a blend of discipline, a strong appetite for learning, proficiency in data science, and a deep understanding of macroeconomics.

What positive aspects and qualities meant most to you during the study programme you attended?

During my study programme, I valued the emphasis on discipline, the freedom to explore various facets of economics, and the supportive environment fostered by the university. These factors collectively shaped my journey and played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today.

What competences and/or skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

The Economics Master's programme significantly honed my quantitative skills, equipping me with the precision and agility needed to navigate intricate financial data. This proficiency, coupled with a robust foundation in data science and macroeconomics, has been pivotal in analyzing market trends and driving informed strategic decisions in my professional career.

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

My advice to USI students entering the job market would be to find a career path that you genuinely enjoy and are passionate about, similar to what you do, as this will drive your motivation and commitment. Lastly, remain open-minded to new opportunities and experiences, as they can lead to unexpected and rewarding paths in your professional journey.