Official documents

Please note that some legal texts are currently under review in order to adapt them to the latest version of the Statute of the Università della Svizzera italiana, approved on 20 March 2020.
For any information or request regarding the currency of the legal texts, please contact [email protected].


The organisational structure and USI activities are regulated by the statutes, regulations and guidelines on this page and are regularly submitted to the Parliament of the Republic and Canton of Ticino through an annual activity report.


Quadro normativo dell'Università della Svizzera italiana


Law on USI




Regulations of central bodies




For provisions of the Faculties on education, please refer to the following pages:


Commissions and representatives

For provisions on the elections of students, PhDs, post-doc and lecturers representatives of the Faculties please refer to the following pages:




Security and privacy



For all administrative regulations of Mendrisio Campus infrastructure (Academy of Architecture), please refer to this page.


Annual activity report

All USI annual activity reports are available at this page and they are currently in Italian only.

