General Personal Data Protection Notice

  1. Introduction

    USI-Università della Svizzera italiana, an autonomous entity under public law, is responsible for promoting education, research and all matters established within the Law on Universities (LSU). The University processes personal data of individuals in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data of the Canton of Ticino (referred to as "LPDP").

    Where applicable, USI also ensures that data subjects are guaranteed the protections provided by the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter ‘GDPR’).

  2. Data controller

    Data controller: USI Università della Svizzera italiana, statuatory seat in Via Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland.

    The Data Controller may be contacted by writing to the office address, by calling +41 58 666 40 00 or by emailing: [email protected].

    The data protection team can be contacted directly at: [email protected].

  3. Purpose of processing

    The table below summarises the types of processing conducted by the Data Controller in the context of its activities. Detailed information about individual processing operations (such as storage period, type of data processed, and justification) is provided for level 2 notices.

    Processing of data of individuals interested in USI educational offerings

    Privacy notice Study Advisory and Promotion


    Processing of data of student candidates for USI courses

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of USI student applicants



    Students data processing

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of USI students


    Processing of data relating to activities carried out by L'ideatorio and the House of Sustainability

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data at USI L’ideatorio and House of Sustainability


    Processing of data related to the supply e-learning services delivered through the iCorsi platform

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data acquired on the platform


    Processing of personal data collected at USI events

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data acquired during USI events



    Processing of personal data collected during registration for USI events

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data acquired during registration to USI events


    Processing of data related to services offered within the university library

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data acquired by the University Libraries of Lugano and Mendrisio for activities and services provided


    Processing of data related to newsletters

    Privacy notice Newsletter


    Processing of data of USI graduates

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of USI graduates


    Processing of data of candidates for jobs at USI

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of job candidates



    Processing of data for employment management purposes

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of employees


    Processing of data related to the allocation of family support

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data for family benefits



    Processing of data related to the provision of the Junior Camp

    USI privacy notice on the processing of personal data of Junior Camp


    Processing of data for the provision of sports activities by USI Sport

    Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of USI Sport Service



    Handling of cookies

    Cookie policy


    Processing of data relating to video surveillance

    Video Surveillance Policy



  4. Data recipients

    The personal data provided will be processed by employees or collaborators of the Data Controller who work under the latter's direct authority and receive adequate training and operational instructions in this regard.

    The data will be processed by academic, intermediate, and service staff in relation to various activities specified by the relevant processing operations.
    USI may also need to disclose the personal data provided to fulfill its legal obligations, in response to a request from a judicial or administrative authority, or in the context of legal proceedings.

    Personal data may also be disclosed to public authorities or private entities at which teaching or research activities or internships related to the chosen study path may take place. 

    USI relies on external suppliers to provide certain services necessary for technical and administrative management. These suppliers may have access to the personal data of the university community solely for the purpose of providing the requested service. The suppliers are committed to ensuring the security of the data in accordance with current regulations.

    Should the transfer take place to foreign countries, USI will ensure that such transfer is carried out in compliance with the reference regulatory framework.

    For further details, we kindly invite you to consult the detailed information contained in the relevant summaries in the table above.


  5. Data subject's rights

    By way of example and without limitation, USI grants its data subjects the following rights:

    1. to obtain the rectification of inaccurate or outdated personal data, to revoke previously given consent to the processing of data, to prevent the disclosure to third parties of personal data worthy of special protection;
    2. to obtain information in writing and free of charge concerning the personal data being processed;
    3. to obtain delivery of personal data or demand that they be transmitted to third parties;
    4. to request that their personal data be stopped from being processed, disclosed to third parties, rectified or destroyed;
    5. to request that a certain processing of personal data be stopped, that a certain disclosure of personal data to third parties be prohibited, or that personal data be erased or destroyed;
    6. to contact the cantonal representative if disagreeing with USI's data handling (

    The data subjects can typically exercise their rights free of charge unless the burden is disproportionate.

    It should be noted that USI reserves the right to assert restrictions provided by law, e.g. when it is obliged to store or process certain data, when required by overriding public or private interests.


    To exercise the above rights, please write to [email protected].



Last update: 15.05.2024