Business Apéro - Innosuisse programmes for startups and researchers

Servizio ricerca

Data: 10 Novembre 2021 / 17:30 - 19:30

Aula Polivalente - East Campus

Business Apéro is an annual information and networking event organised by USI and SUPSI as part of the Innosuisse Start-up training programme. 

The focus of the event will be on the different support programmes for start-ups and researchers offered by Innosuisse. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speakers.



Welcome and introduction

  • Umberto Bondi (Senior Project Manager & Coach USI Startup Centre)

Overview of Innosuisse support programmes for startups and researchers

  • Emile Dupont (Knowledge and Technology Transfer Team at Innosuisse)

Innosuisse projects support at USI and SUPSI

  • Andrea Foglia (Technology Transfer Manager at USI Research and Transfer Service)
  • Riccardo Cappelletti (Scientific collaborator at SUPSI Research, Development and Knowledge Transfer Service)

Get to know the Innosuisse network in Ticino - Q&A moderated by Umberto Bondi 

  • Stefano Colombo (Innosuisse Mentor)
  • Dario Caleffi (Innosuisse Coach)
  • Dario Corica (Innosuisse Mentor & manager of assisted patent search service IPI-AGIRE)

Apéro & Networking


Registration required: 

Only participants with a valid Covid Pass and ID will be admitted in compliance with the current regulation.


For further information:

[email protected]