Simons Foundation - Targeted Grants in MPS

Servizio ricerca


  • Rolling deadline for Letter of Intent (LOI) submissions.
  • Full proposal deadline will be noted in the LOI notification and will be no sooner than three months from the date of the LOI approval.


  • Applications may be submitted by established U.S. and foreign public and private educational institutions and stand-alone research centers.
  • PIs and co-Investigators must have a Ph.D. and a tenure-track or tenured position at said institutions or centers at the time of application.
  • No citizenship or department requirements for PIs.

Funding and duration

  • Funding is flexible and can last up to 5 years.
  • No recommended or assumed funding level.
  • Allowable expenses include:
    • Up to one month of summer salary and related benefits per year for the PI and any co-Investigator(s).
    • Domestic or international travel for the PI(s), co-Investigator(s), and students.
    • Salary support and related benefits for staff/research scientists, postdoctoral fellows, research associates, graduate students, or undergraduate research assistants.
    • Support for visitors and collaborators, including travel, meals, and lodging.
    • Conferences and working meetings expenses.
    • Research equipment, experiments, computations, supplies, and other research-related expenses.
  • Indirect costs are limited to 20 percent of applicable direct costs.

Timeline of the call

  • Applicants must submit a LOI via the Simons Award Manager (SAM) at any time.
  • Applicants will be notified of a decision within two months of the LOI submission.
  • If invited, full proposals must be submitted via SAM by the main PI and respective institution.
  • Full proposal deadline will be specified in the LOI notification, at least three months from the LOI approval date.
  • Decision on full proposals will be communicated within three months of the submission.