MarTERA ERA-NET Co-Fund Brokerage Event

Servizio ricerca

Data d'inizio: 15 Febbraio 2017

Data di fine: 16 Febbraio 2017

The ERA-NET Marine and Maritime Technologies for a new ERA, MarTERA, is organizing a brokerage event for potential applicants on 15 February 2017 in Brussels.

MarTERA has started on 1 December 2016 and launched a transnational call with a budget of about 30 Mio EUR for collaborative research and innovation projects.

The Brokerage event will give you detailed information on MarTERA and the possibility to find a partner. This event is open to potential partners from all sectors (researchers, SME and public sector) who are interested in collaboration on development and competitive brakthroughs of marine and maritime technologies.

Please register by 8 February 2017.