SNSF visit in Lugano 7 November 2017

Servizio ricerca

Data: 7 Novembre 2017 / 09:00 - 17:00

In November 2017 the SNSF will visit higher education institutions in Lugano, Basel, Lausanne, Zurich and Geneva in order to present the SNSF funding schemes to researchers.

The visit in Ticino will be divided as follows:

  • 7 November, Morning: Università della Svizzera italiana (Aula Magna)
  • 7 November, Afternoon: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI (DEASS, Palazzo E, A 111)

During these visits, researchers will obtain a complete set of information on the main funding schemes (Project funding, career schemes, programmes, international cooperation and science communication. Questions will be answered directly by the people who manage the respective funding schemes at the SNSF.


@USI 09:00 – 12:30

@SUPSI 14:00 – 17:30

  • Welcome speech – Boas Erez, USI rector
  • Welcome speech – Giambattista Ravano, SUPSI director for research
  • Overall presentation of the SNSF
  • Overall presentation of the SNSF
  • Career funding schemes
  • Career funding schemes
  • Project funding
  • Project funding
  • Sinergia and other programmes
  • Sinergia and other programmes
  • International cooperation
  • International cooperation
  • Science communication
  • Science communication
  • Supplementary measures
  • Supplementary measures


If you are interested in attending the event, please register by sending an e-mail to [email protected] indicating whether you will participate in the morning at USI or in the afternoon at SUPSI.