ASEAN-EU STI Days (Science, Technology and Innovation Days)

Servizio ricerca

Data d'inizio: 17 Marzo 2015

Data di fine: 20 Marzo 2015

The ASEAN-EU STI Days bring together researchers, scientists, science policy makers, innovative companies, and other stakeholders from ASEAN and EU countries for a  yearly three-day conference on science, technology, and innovation issues and bi-regional co-operation in these fields.

This year's edition of the event will focus on presenting ASEAN research excellence to European stakeholders as well as raising awareness for current developments in Science & Technology in the most dynamic region worldwide.

The event will take place from the 17th to the 19th of March, 2015 at the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) in Paris.

Click here for more information and registration.