Minor in Sustainability

Within the study programme of the USI Master in International Tourism you will have various opportunities to specialize yourself, including the Minor or elective courses you choose.

You can use the 12 ECTS to personalise your study plan by choosing one or more of the following options:

  • Minor in Sustainability
  • Minor in eTourism
  • Courses offered by other USI Master programmes in English
  • Semester at a partner university abroad

The timetable of the USI Master in International Tourism includes all courses that are part of the Minor in Sustainability:

Minor in Sustainability (12 ECTS)
Spring Semester ECTS
Economics of Well-being* 3
Sustainable Management 3
Fall Semester ECTS
Negotiation 3
Project Management 3

*Maximum 15 places available for International Tourism.

In the study programme of the USI Master in International Tourism the 12 ECTS of the Minor in Sustainable Management are listed within the 3rd semester (Fall).

When you complete all four courses above, the Minor in Sustainability will be written on your Master transcript of record.