Talks and Publications of the MAP Students


Master in Philosophy

28 November 2020

The MAP prepares its students for research. This is testified by the great results they achieve. While being Master students, they give talks all around the world. Some of them see their exam essays accepted in scientific journals. The greatest merit is of our students, of course!


We are collecting some interesting data and below is a (still incomplete!) list of the talks and publications of the MAP students in the last four years!



Anzalone, David, Review of Ancient Ontologies: Contemporary Debates. Discipline filosofiche, Riccardo Chiaradonna et al. (ed.), XXVIII:I. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2018 for Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2019.

---, Augustine on the Existence of the Past and the Future in: “Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie”, accepted manuscript.


Garancini, Daniele, On the Linguistic Category ‘Home’, In the book of the East Centric Architecture Triennale University of Bucharest, forthcoming.

---, Extract from Bachelor’s dissertation Italian Journal of Analytic Philosophy Junior 8(2), 2017, pp. 25-45 Milan State University.


Lorenzetti, Lorenzo, Humean supervenience and tripartite entanglement relations, in: “Axiomathes”, forthcoming.


Marabello, Marco, On the Possibility of Presentism with Occurrents, in: "Philosophia", forthcoming.


Masciullo Gaetano, Naturalismo o finalismo? Un dibattito fra la Triebtheorie di Freud e la teoria sulle passioni di san Tommaso d'Aquino, in: “Cristianità”, n. 395, 02/2019, pp. 29-40.




Ballon Villanueva, Rodrigo, Unveiling Apokatastasis? Eriugena's Eschatology and Essential Causality, University College of Dublin NeoplAT project 'En chantier' presentation, 14/11/2020 (online).


Cecconi, Alessandro, The Monster Objection: Who is afraid of a monster in the sandwich?, Work in Progress Seminar, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany 25/11/2020 (online).

---, Who is afraid of a monster in the sandwich? European Congress of Analytic Philosophy ECAP 10, Utrecht, Netherlands. 28/08/2020, with Damiano Costa.

---, Fine's Monster Objection, Eidos Weekly Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland, 14/5/2020, with Damiano Costa.


Freiles, Antonio, An Argument Against Quantificationism, UPJA Virtual Conference, 28/11/2020 (online).


Lorenzetti, Lorenzo, Putting Coherentism to Work: Redening the Nature of the Wave Function, Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference,

19-20/09/2020 (online).

 ---, GRW, dispositions and objective probabilities, Annual conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, 07/2020, (online).

 ---, Is there room for entanglement relations in the Humean mosaic?, European Conference for Analytic Philosophy (ECAP) 10, 24-28/08/2020 (online). 

---, Is there room for entanglement relations in the Humean mosaic?, Annual conference of the German physical society, 04/2020 (online).


Marabello, Marco, On the Possibility of Presentist Perdurantism, Cyberspace of Utrecht, Netherlands, European Congress of Analytic Philosophy ECAP 10, 24-28/08/2020.


Najafi, Tannaz, The Impossibility of Proving Asylum Need, University of Minho (Portogallo). Open Borders, Closed Borders Europe, Toleration and Immigration. Braga Summer School in Political Philosophy & Public Policy, 9/7/2020 (online).


Soriani, Tommaso, Il dualismo interazionista di John Eccles, ciclo di seminari “Idee in bozza”, Aps Vita Activa – Università di Parma, 21/5/2020.



Anzalone, David, La ricezione medievale di “Metafisica A 6” nei primi commenti alla “Metafisica”, International Conference “Il Platone non scritto nella tradizione antica e medievale”, “Sapienza” University of Rome, 12/02/2019. (Invited)

---, Hell: a new challenge for passibilism, International Conference “Death and Immortality” organized by the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, University of Oxford, 05/09/2019”. (CFP)

---, Gott ist Sein, Gott ist Werden: from Plato to Whitehead, Lecture at the University of Luzern, 11/05/2019. (Invited)


Cecconi, Alessandro, Plato and Vagueness: why there cannot be the form of mud, Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2019, Salzburg, Austria, 19/09/2019.


Colonna, Giuseppe, The Category of 'When' in the Liber Sex Principiorum, Ethics and Society- On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of G.E.M. Anscombe's Birth, University "Carlo Bo" of Urbino, Urbino, Italy, 24/05/2019. 

---, A Case Study: Backward Causation in the Middle Ages, Annual Symposium for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 17/06/2019. 

---, A Case Study: Backward Causation in the Middle Ages, SOPhiA, 10th Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy, Salzburg, Austria, 18/09/2019. 

---, Is there room for Medieval Aesthetics? The History of a Discipline before its Invention, Conference Via Pulchritudinis, Accademia Filarmonica di Saluzzo, Saluzzo, Italy. 23/09/2019.

---, Causation in the Medieval Philosophy of Time, Space and Time: an Interdisciplinary Approach, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 26/09/2019.


Garancini, Daniele, (Another) Sorites Paradox in Philosophy of Mind, Cycle of Seminars: Idee in Bozza. University of Parma, Spring 2019.

---, On the Linguistic Category ‘Home’, The East Centric Architecture Triennale University of Bucharest, Fall 2019.


Marabello, Marco, On Time Travel and Free Will: Why the Compatibilism-Incompatibilism Debate Might Not Be Relevant After All, Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy 2019, Salzburg, Austria, 19/09/2019.


Martinelli, Emanuele, The Politics of Blockchain, Studierendenkongress, Zurich (CH), 03/2019.

---, On Whether We Own What We Think, ISOS International conference in social ontology, Tampere (FI), 20/08/2019.

---, Responsibility in Time, Space and Time interdisciplinary conference, Vilnius (LT), 25/09/2019.

---, Information and Trust in a Trust-Free Society, SOCREAL 2019, Sapporo (JP), 13/11/2019.


Masciullo, Gaetano, Aristotle's Ontological Account of Time, Filosofidagarna – The Swedish Congress of Philosophy. University of Umea (SW), 16/06/2019.

---, Aristotle's Ontological Account of Time, Space and Time: an Interdisciplinary Approach, University of Vilnius (LT), 26/09/2019.


Najafi, Tannaz, Cosmology and Probabilities. Is it Possible to Resist an Emergent Theory with Conditionals?, XXII International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Cosmology. 18/06/2019.



Anzalone, David, Temporary intrinsics and Aristotelian endurantism: a response to Brower, International Summer School on Aristotle Metaphysics, Falconara (Italy), 05/09/2018.

---, Gott: Sein, Person, Prozess? Zwischen Panentheismus und Theismus, Lecture at the University of Luzern, 11/12/2018. (Invited)


Colonna, Giuseppe, Tempus, Aevum, Aeternitas, “Tempus fugit”, Accademia Filarmonica di Saluzzo, Saluzzo, Italy, 23/09/2018.


Davies, Nathan, Metaontological expressivism on ontology,“The analogy of being”, Luzern, 03/03/2018.


Garancini, Daniele, Can distinctness be defined in Quantum Mechanics?, The Analogy of Being. University of Lucerne, Spring 2018.


Martinelli, Emanuele, The Politics of Blockchain, Mises Seminar, Sestri Levante (IT), 13/10/2018


Tremolanti, Eric, From Temporal Logic to the Moving Spotlight and again, Lugano Undergraduate Conference, Lugano, 07/03/2018.

---, Where's the now now? Moving Spotlight with Supertime and its limits, The Now Now, Siegen, 30/11/2018.



Davies, Nathan, The fragmentation of Being, “The nature of existence” Ligertz, 12/11/2017.


Gough, Joe, Ontological commitment in natural language, “The nature of existence”, Ligertz, 09/11/2017.


