Germaine de Staël Support Program

Research Service

Submission deadline: 15 June 2023

Submission deadline: 15 June, 2023

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI has commissioned the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW to implement the federal program to promote bilateral research cooperation between Switzerland and France "Germaine de Staël".

The program, which is open to all research disciplines, provides for reimbursement of travel expenses and costs for short stays in France for researchers who work with French research partners.

The cost ceiling per project is approx. CHF 4.500 per year. The first condition for a positive selection is that a research partnership with a French group already exists at the time the application is submitted and that the French partner submits his application at the same time to the Campus France responsible for the French side.

Selection Criteria

  • Scientific quality of the project and scientific competence of the teams
  • Participation and mobility of young doctoral and post-doctoral researchers
  • The expected scientific (and industrial, if appropriate) results
  • The other European funding (Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie, COST) already available to the team.
  • Whether or not it is a new collaboration with the partner team

For further information visit the website or contact: Lisa Parolini