New swissuniversities call for Open Research Data projects

Research Service

13 June 2022

Swissuniversities has launched the Swiss Open Research Data Grants programme, a series of Calls for project within the framework of the application of the Action Plan for the Swiss National Open Research Data strategy.

The available grants targeted to researchers are associated to the Action Plan Measure A1 - Provide bottom-up support to promote excellence in ORD practices and community building.

This measure has three associated Tracks:

  • a call for Track B: Establish projects is now closed 
  • calls for Track A: Explore projects will open at the end of October (deadline for proposals: 31st December)
  • calls for Track C: Contribute projects is now openr (deadline for proposals: 1st December)

The Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy and the associated Action Plan are available at the swissuniversities dedicated webpage.

For further details, you can contact Igor Sarman.