More flexibility for Innosuisse Flagship Initiative

Research Service

15 November 2022

Flagship 2023 more than doubled its budget that is now CHF 50 million

Flagship Initiative 2023 call: objective systemic innovation in areas relevant to large parts of the economy/society, through collaborative work to stimulate systemic innovation and transdisciplinary collaboration. The 2023 call focuses on: “disruptive solutions for the transition towards a net zero world. Areas interested:

  1. New materials and processes
  2. Energy storage, generation and real-time management
  3. Eco-design, circular economy and sustainable manufacturing
  4. Energy efficiency and reduction of emissions

In order to apply, a consortium must be formed by: Host institution (one of the research partners) + research partners (3 at least, of which 1 at least a UAS) + implementation partners (2 at least).

Duration and budget: no official limit, but usually around 48 months and CHF 3-4M.

Budget: was CHF 20M, in 2023 is now CHF 50M.

Deadline for projects submission: 04.07.2023

Same rules apply as innovation projects with implementation partner, for budgeting and accounting.

Soon there will be a new B2B matchmaking platform for finding partners.


For further information please contact Marcello Triulzio.