USI call for projects on Open Science and Open Research Data

Research Service

Submission deadline: 1 July 2024

Submission deadline: 1 July, 2024

USI promotes the present call for projects aimed to fund initiatives related to Open Science (OS) and Open Research Data (ORD).

The call invites projects of any kind with the objective to foster the participation of USI in the development of competences and resources (best practices, tools, platforms, events, initiatives, etc.) in these two fields. Eligible projects deal with, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • training activities dedicated to OS and ORD, in particular aimed for doctoral students;
  • awareness raising events, presentation of instruments and/or platform dedicated to OS and ORD (open scientific collaboration, data repositories, etc.);
  • participation to national and international initiatives in the OS and ORD field;
  • consideration of practices to develop citizen science (USI “third mandate”);
  • development of new systems to foster communication and dissemination of research products (science blog, open labnotes, etc.);
  • development of new data management platforms and/or data repositories dedicated to specific disciplines and fields of study.

Eligibility and funding

The call is open to USI researchers:

  • professors
  • MER
  • group leaders
  • post-docs (more details in the call)
  • members of affiliated institutes (more details in the call)

Projects of different sizes, between CHF 10’000 and 50’000, and of different durations, between 3 and 18 months, can be proposed.

For further information on the call please visit the USI webpage or contact Igor Sarman.