Maria Funghini, Jr. Social Media Manager, IWC


Alumni Service

9 October 2023

To help current students and recent graduates navigate the world of work, several USI Alumni shared their career paths and career story. Here the story of Maria Funghini, Jr. Social Media Manager in IWC in Schaffhausen (CH). USI Degree: Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy, 2022

How did you start your career?

While finishing my master's thesis, I started looking for positions as an intern, I was mainly interested in companies dealing with sustainability and luxury brands. During my search, I found several USI alumni available for a call or some bits of advice on how to apply.

Why did you choose a career in IWC Schaffhausen?

It was one of the best-managed interviews, serious, transparent, and more focused on me as a possible fit for the role and the team than on any stratospheric skills, in many interviews they already asked me for experience whereas if you are a student your main job for about 10 years is to study. What's more, IWC jumped out at me immediately in comparison to other brands in terms of marketing and communication that were consistent down to the last detail, they used every possible means to make themselves known but always with the same beautiful elegance and power.

What is your current role/duties?

I am currently in the beginning of my second year at this company and am part of the team headed by an associate director of brand marketing. As social media manager (jr) I am in charge together with my team of everything social media, from content creation to the publication of the annual strategy, any promotions, alignment with other teams etc.

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career in IWC Schaffhausen?

At the moment I would say flexibility, readiness for communication emergencies, coordination skills with your team and others, always trying to find the why of things, and never just stopping to execute, improving even the most repetitive processes. Attention to detail, the ability to keep up with events, and be up-to-date on your company, social platforms, and the industry in general.

What positive aspects and qualities meant most to you during the study programme you attended?

There are three main points for which I would do this route again with my eyes closed:

  • The professors: each professor has the ability, with his or her personal method, to convey all the passion for their work, why their discipline is interesting and will help you not only in the world of work but in life; their ability to always be open to discussion and explanations.
  • The course of study: there were so many disciplines and they were all interesting, all with a different but necessary marketing nuance, each discipline is a world unto itself and it is wonderful to see how, at the end of the master's course, you have assimilated the basics of all of them and developed your own preferences.
  • The students & the environment: I formed friendships that will stay with me for life, wonderful people and professors. USI is a hub of curious and brilliant people, you have to not only study and attend but also enjoy university life and extracurricular moments.

What competences and/or skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

I find every discipline in my daily work, from pure marketing to brand examples we have studied to statistics. Knowing how to observe and read advertising as one does cinema, knowing how to interpret a brand based on what it offers the consumer, knowing how to read data and distinguish important information from quantity. Presenting one's point of view, knowing how to defend one's opinion, and much more, too much for this box!

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

Have faith and courage, you are only at the beginning! Try all possible ways, never rule out any method because it may be the one that gets you the result. Put time and love into your CV, it is one of the most important things for yourself, and don't forget to update it. Believe a little more in your abilities and learn the art of improvisation but also carve out some time to study, always.
