Saverio Duraccio, Execution Trader, UBS


Alumni Service

26 February 2024

To help current students and recent graduates navigate the world of work, several USI Alumni shared their career paths and career story. Here the story of Saverio Duraccio, Execution Trader at UBS in Zurich. USI Degree: Master in Economics, 2021.

How did you start your career?

During my academic path, I undertook an internship at BNP Paribas, where I started applying the knowledge I gained. This experience paved the way for me to take on the role of Asset Manager within the same institution. Following that, I continued to build my career by working as an Investment Fund Monitoring Officer at Société Générale, followed by a position as an Equity & Bond Trading Analyst at Borsa Italiana. I am an Execution Trader at UBS Switzerland AG in Zurich, where I closely collaborate with the fund's execution team and manage fundamental data related to UBS and third-party fund transactions.

What is your current role/duties?

At my current role as an Execution Trader at UBS Switzerland AG, I operate within a dynamic trading floor environment, closely collaborating with the primary execution and client trading team for funds. My responsibilities involve setting up and maintaining fund data, specifically focusing on subscriptions, redemptions, switches, and transactions related to UBS and third-party funds. In this capacity, I play a vital role in the execution process, ensuring the smooth flow of trading activities. This includes working on a range of tasks from handling fund data to facilitating transactions. The collaborative nature of the role requires me to work closely with the team to optimize execution strategies and enhance overall efficiency.

Moreover, I contribute to the operational aspects of the trading floor, maintaining accurate and up-to-date records related to fund activities. My position involves a high level of attention to detail and a proactive approach to problem-solving.

Overall, my role as an Execution Trader at UBS involves a combination of strategic execution, collaborative teamwork, and meticulous attention to fund data and transactions for both UBS and external funds.

What positive aspects and qualities meant most to you during the study programme you attended?

My course at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) offered several positive aspects that significantly contributed to my education and professional growth.
Some key points include:

  • English-Language Academic Program: The course was entirely taught in English, allowing me to acquire advanced language skills and prepare for an international work environment. This aspect has been particularly beneficial in my current role in the global financial sector.
  • Merit-Based Scholarships: The opportunity to receive a full merit-based scholarship underscored the recognition of my academic performance. This not only alleviated financial burdens but also further motivated my commitment to studies.
  • In-Depth Exploration of Macroeconomics and Data Science: The course provided an in-depth perspective on key topics such as Macroeconomics and Data Science. This combination of skills has proven valuable in my career, especially in the context of trading and asset management.
  • Internationality and Diversity: The international environment at USI contributed to creating a diverse academic culture. Interacting with students from various cultural backgrounds provided me with a global perspective, a valuable asset in the globalized financial world.
  • Relevance of Thesis Topics: The opportunity to work on a thesis addressing current issues, such as 'The Consequences of Monetary and Fiscal Policy during the Subprime and Covid-19 Crises', allowed me to connect academic studies to contemporary economic realities, providing a practical insight into the topics covered during the course.

Overall, my experience at USI has played a significant role in my education and has prepared me for the challenges and opportunities in the professional world.

What competences and/or skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

My academic journey has been marked by several positive features that have greatly contributed to my personal and professional development:

  • Diversity of Acquired Skills: My academic path has provided a wide range of skills, spanning from asset management to financial market surveillance, and from securities valuation to equity and bond trading. This diversity of skills has given me a comprehensive understanding of the financial sector.
  • Practical Work Experiences: The opportunities for internships and work positions during my academic journey, such as at BNP Paribas, enriched my learning by providing practical experiences in the real world. This helped translate academic theory into tangible and applicable skills.
  • Internationality and Global Context: My education at the USI has offered an international and multicultural environment, preparing me to tackle global challenges in my current role as an Execution Trader at UBS in Zurich. This global perspective has been a significant advantage in my career.
  • Relevance of Research and Theses: The opportunity to research current topics, such as the consequences of monetary and fiscal policies during financial crises, has enhanced my understanding of contemporary economic dynamics and contributed to my intellectual growth.

Overall, my academic journey has laid a solid foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge, thoroughly preparing me to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in the professional world.

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

  1. **Network Actively:** Attend industry events, conferences, and networking meetings. Building a professional network can be crucial for discovering job opportunities and gaining insights from experienced professionals.
  2. **Be Open to Opportunities:** Don't limit yourself to a single direction. Be open to various job opportunities and consider positions that may seem outside your initial career path. Sometimes, unexpected experiences can lead to interesting and enriching discoveries.
  3. **Continuously Update Skills:** The professional world is constantly evolving. Keep developing and enhancing your skills. Attend training courses, seminars, and stay informed about the latest trends in your industry.
  4. **Care for Your Online Presence:** Maintain an updated and polished LinkedIn profile. Many job opportunities are discovered through online presence, so ensure your profile accurately reflects your skills and experiences.
  5. **Seek Advice:** Don't hesitate to seek advice from more experienced professionals in your field. Many people are willing to help recent graduates with valuable advice and share their experiences.
  6. **Be Flexible and Adaptable:** Your career path may not be linear. Be flexible and adapt to the challenges that may arise. Adaptability is a valuable quality in the professional world.
  7. **Find a Mentor:** Look for a mentor who can guide you and share their experience. A mentor can provide practical advice, inspiration, and support during the early stages of your career.
  8. **Maintain a Work-Life Balance:** Find a healthy balance between work and personal life. Maintaining a good balance can contribute to your overall well-being and professional longevity.
  9. **Commit and Show Initiative:** Demonstrate commitment and initiative in the workplace. Be proactive in taking on responsibilities and show your eagerness to grow professionally.
  10. **Be Patient and Persistent:** A professional career is a long-term journey. Be patient, persistent, and stay motivated in the face of challenges. Opportunities for success often require time and consistent effort.


