Diploma for 16 recent graduates of the USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

Institutional Communication Service

27 May 2024

On Monday 27 May 2024, the diplomas of the USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences were awarded at a ceremony at LAC. Following is the list of graduates with their nationality and degree awarded.

PhD in Biomedical Sciences

  1. Vanessa Biemmi, Italy
  2. Alessia Cacciatore, Italy
  3. Julija Djordjevic, Serbia
  4. Federico Gianfanti, Italy
  5. Anna Messina, Italy
  6. Vu Uyen Chau Nguyen, Netherlands
  7. Giada Sandrini, Italy

Dr. med.

  1. Monica Bischof, Switzerland
  2. Danilo Consolascio, Switzerland
  3. Daniela Djokic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  4. Fabio Garofalo, Switzerland
  5. Michele Musiari, Switzerland
  6. Sotirios Georgios Popeskou, Switzerland
  7. Thierry Preda, Switzerland
  8. Andrea Ridolfi, Italy
  9. Simone Schiaffino, Italy
