Ten years of Choix Goncourt de la Suisse


Institutional Communication Service

12 September 2024

Since 2015, USI has participated in the ‘Choix Goncourt de la Suisse’, the Swiss edition of the famous Prix Goncourt, awarded to the best French-language novel of the year. This event represents a unique opportunity to delve into the world of contemporary French literature and participate in the selection of the Swiss winner of the prestigious Prix Goncourt.

Are you passionate about literature? Interested in exploring what's new in French literature in 2024? Join the reading circle at the beginning of the academic year.
Here's all you need to do:

A delegation of USI students will meet with delegates from other Swiss universities to choose the winner of the Choix Goncourt de la Suisse prize.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet the winner next year, as was the case for Neige Sinno (Swiss Goncourt choice 2023). Here is a short report produced by RTS

The Choix Goncourt de la Suisse prize is organised by the French Embassy in Switzerland in collaboration with several Swiss universities, including USI. It is supported by Payot Libraire, Agent universitaire de la Francophonie and AMOPA (Swiss section). Its aim is to contribute to the promotion of French-language literature and the promotion of the pleasure of a critical and non-biased reading of contemporary works.

For more information and registration, you can visit the reference website at the following link: https://www.desk.usi.ch/it/choix-goncourt-de-la-suisse
