Incubation kick-off pitch #4


USI Startup Centre

Date: 2 October 2024 / 18:00 - 20:30

C2.09, USI Startup Centre, Level 2, Sector C, East Campus (via la Santa 1, Lugano-Viganello)

New startups admitted to the 2-year incubation programme at the USI Startup Centre get on stage to present themselves to the USI and SUPSI communities. Join us to get to know the entrepreneurs behind these projects, discover more about the products they are building and network with fellow innovation enthusiasts.

Event programme

18.00 – 18.10 – Welcome and introduction

18.10 – 19.30 – Startup pitches (10 min pitch + 10 min Q&A)

19:30 – 20.30 – Networking apéro


The event is open to all members of the USI-SUPSI community (students, PhD, postdocs, professors and staff members) and industry professionals. Please register here.