SNSF - SCIEX, Scientific Exchanges between Switzerland and Bulgaria: Call for Proposals

Research Service

Submission deadline: 3 February 2025

Deadline: 3 February, 2025

The Scientific Exchanges between Bulgaria and Switzerland (SCIEX) initiative is part of Switzerland’s second contribution to selected EU member states. This program aims to foster research collaborations and deepen scientific skills among early career researchers from Bulgaria by offering fellowships for research stays at Swiss institutions.


  • Open to PhD students matriculated for at least six months at a Bulgarian institution or postdoctoral researchers with a PhD degree obtained within the last eight years.
  • Applicants must be permanent residents of Bulgaria at the time of application.
  • Candidates must be supervised by a senior researcher in both Bulgaria and Switzerland.

Funding and duration

  • Fellowships provide funding for research stays of 6-24 months for PhD students and 6-18 months for postdoctoral researchers.
  • The grant includes the grantees' salary, social security contributions, and support for research and conference costs, including short-term research visits (STV).

Timeline of the call

  • Call opens: 1 November 2024.
  • Submission deadline: 3 February 2025.
  • Evaluation period: March to May 2025.
  • Results communicated: July 2025.
  • Earliest project start: September 2025.

Anna Lazzarinetti

More information
SNSF Website