The new USI website in 99 seconds (and 1100 words)


Institutional Communication Service

11 July 2017

Dear users,

Welcome to the renovated USI site. The site is a trial version (“beta”) and will be refined during the autumn.

Feedbacks can be sent at [email protected].

In this page, you will find:

  • a brief presentation of the new structure, in this video;
  • further information about the features and the reasons for the revision, and a list of the main changes (below).


The renovated site: who, what, how?

  • Who. The new layout has been designed by the agency CCRZ according to the new USI graphic design. Content has been coordinated by the Communication and Media Service, that in some cases relied on the competent services. All technical features have been developed by the Web Service.
  • What. The revision proposes: 1. to increase the site ability to act as a sounding board for the University; 2. to favour the use of the site as a service site.
  • How. Through a new concept based on three "pillars": a showcase of our activities thanks to the central site you are connected to right now. A practical information portal called InfoDesk. A People Directory.


How has the main menu changed?

In the homepage, the menu can be found at the bottom of the screen, according to the new graphic design concept. It raises while scrolling on the page. It has been cut down in 4 main items:

  • “About” to replace “University”. This part still hosts information on the Institution, with new content.
  • “Education” to update the old “Education”. This part still hosts information on USI study programmes with the addition of their dedicated sites.
  • “Research”, to update the old “Research”. This part still hosts information on research carried out at USI, useful information on how to carry out research at USI, plus new content.
  • “News and events” to replace “Highlights”. News and events from the University.


Where can I find the "For you" item?

To explore by user type, please refer to the upper right menu. On tablets and mobile phones, it is shown on top with a drop down menu called “Info for”. The users list has also been revised.


Where can I find the "Highlights"?

As previously mentioned, the "Highlights" menu is now called "News and Events". The old menu featured also the job offer database that can now be accessed through About > Work with us. It also included a link to resources and services that can now be accessed through the InfoDesk portal.


Where can I find information on course schedules, exams, regulations, thesis, internships, mobility, language classes…?

Practical information on the University everyday life can be found in the dedicated portal InfoDesk:

Users can access the portal through the USI website by clicking on InfoDesk at the top of the page. On tablets and mobile phones click on the icon shaped as an “i” (as in "information").

A list of links to the main practical information is available also at the pages by user type, “Students” and “Academic staff” (top right). Practical information found on the Infodesk can be reached also through "Areas" (see below).


How does the InfoDesk work?

The InfoDesk features a series of highlights. Search can be done by keywords or through available filters “Targets”, “Faculties”, and “Tags” and can be organised as "more relevant", "most viewed", "last modified", "last viewed".


Are all the information on the same topic in the InfoDesk and on the Faculty sites the same?



Where is the people directory? Did it change?

The Directory link is still on top of the page, in the centre. From tablets and mobile phones, it can be reached by clicking on the icon shaped as an address book. The Directory has a new graphic look and new contents, but its structure and functions remain unchanged.


Where are the links to the Faculty sites in the homepage?

The links to the Faculty sites can no longer be found on the top right corner. They are at about middle page of the homepage.

There is also a quick link to the Faculties in the grey bar at the bottom of the screen. On tablets and mobile phones, the bar is included in the icon shaped as an organisational chart.


The Faculty sites still feature the old graphic design: why?

Lack of time and resources did not allow revision of the Faculty sites while working at the three main portals (USI site, InfoDesk and Directory). A coordinated project for the Faculty sites will be planned from September. The graphic revision of the Institute sites will be taken care of after the Faculty sites.


What happened to the Bachelor and Master sites?

As stated, all information on study programmes have been integrated within the menu “Education” (this allowed for a simultaneous renovation of 31 sites).

All Bachelor and Master sites have been discontinued and their URL have been redirected to the new pages. The same goes for the portals and 


What are "Areas" and what happened to the University services sites?

“Areas” are parts of the site dedicated to specific themes handled by the University services, which replace the services sites.

More specifically:

Concerning practical information, the areas refer to the InfoDesk. The areas can be reached through a quick link in the grey bar at the bottom of the screen (organizational chart icon on tablets and mobile). 

The mentioned services sites have been discontinued. Their main URL will now redirect to the respective areas.

The Research Service and Sport Service sites remain active (both in cooperation with SUPSI) and the libraries sites, due to the peculiarity of their structure.


Why were the Services websites discontinued?

The creation of areas within the site and a practical information portal give a more user friendly experience. By doing so we organised information steering clear from an institutional logic, in favour of a thematic approach. Said approach has made it possible to speed up the renovation process, allowing for the simultaneous renewal of 6 sites.


Can I still use the old websites?

It is no longer possible to surf the old websites. Discontinued websites (especially the old USI site, Services sites, Bachelor and Master sites) are now available in static form upon request.



Whom do I turn in case I cannot find a specific content?

[email protected]



For information: Communication and Media Services, [email protected]

Il sito USI in 99 secondi



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