Living Switzerland in the heart of Europe


Institutional Communication Service

4 October 2018

Switzerland lies at the heart of Europe, acting like a watershed between the North and the South. While crossing our territory, the rivers Rhine, Rhone, Inn and Ticino, branch out fertilising and nurturing exchange with neighbouring countries, with which we also share languages and cultures. This everlasting geographical fact goes hand in hand with the inextricable interweaving of human activities, consolidated over time and now facilitated by a faster mobility and intense and frequent relationships.

To address this complex theme and offer an opportunity to delve into the subject based reliable sources, Coscienza Svizzera (for its 70th anniversary) has organised and event featuring top level figures, field specialists, professors, students and the public. An afternoon of exchange open to all interested parties will be held on Saturday, October 13 in the Lugano campus Aula magna with the following programme:

13:45 Opening address by Prof. Remigio Ratti (President of Coscienza Svizzera) and Prof. Boas Erez (Rector of USI). Re-cap of the work carried out in the morning session (reserved to members only) by three focus groups (to register: dedicated to culture, economy, integration and sovereignty.

15:30 Lecture by Prof. René Schwok (University of Geneva) “Suisse – Union européenne: une marginalisation impossible” followed by the round table “Il divenire delle relazioni Svizzera - Unione europea” featuring Renzo Ambrosetti (former Co-Chairman of Unia), Mauro Dell’Ambrogio (Secretary of State for Education, Research and Innovation), Gret Haller (former President of the National Council), Alexis Lautenberg (economic consultant and negotiator), Sergio Morisoli (economist and writer), moderated by Reto Ceschi (RSI Journalis).

17:10 Closing remarks by Ignazio Cassis, Federal Councillor

For more information on the programme:

About Europe, from October 3 to the 12, the Faculty of Theology of Lugano hosts the exhibition “Europa: una Svizzera in grande? Le visioni politiche di Adenauer, De Gasperi e Schuman” on the three spiritual fathers of the European Union. The exhibition is curated by Fondazione De Gasperi and Fondazione Konrad Adenauer Italy in cooperation with Maison de Robert Schuman. It is organised by the Rosmini Chair of the Faculty of Theology of Lugano, chaired by Prof. Markus Krienke. For more information:
