Discover a partner university: University of Bamberg

A view of the city
A view of the city
Students in Bamberg
Students in Bamberg
Matteo Da Ros
Matteo Da Ros
Fabian Herreiner
Fabian Herreiner

International Relations and Study abroad Service

18 October 2017

We asked our colleague Davide Bacchini, International Office Coordinator at the University of Bamberg, to describe his prestigious university and at the same time we had a chat with Matteo Da Ros and Fabian Herreiner who are currently on a SEMP exchange from the University of Bamberg. 

Davide Bacchini: “The University of Bamberg, one of the oldest universities in Bavaria, is a medium-sized university in Bavaria, the southern part of Germany, with about 13,500 students (incl. about 1,000 internation-al students). The University consists of three campuses. Most of the Humanities courses are held in the old part of the city. Here students can discover the largest city centre under preservation in Germany, which was also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993. 

In addition to that, the University has a campus in the eastern part of Bamberg. Here you will find the departments for Social Sciences, Economics and Business. The short distance to the city centre is quickly covered by bicycle or by public transport. Our third campus was opened during the academic year 2012/13. It houses the departments of Computer Sciences and is only short walk or bike ride away from the city centre. Research and studies in Bamberg have a strong European and international component. In particular the “International Business”, “European Economic Studies” and “International Information Systems Management” programs exhibit a strong international focus. The Faculty of Information Systems, Applied Computer Sciences, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration offer several courses taught in English. 

The Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg has exchange agreements with approx. 300 universities in 60 countries. The International Office coordinates student exchange programs and offers advice on all areas of studying abroad. Accommodation in one of the student residences is organized upon request for all exchange students who will study at the University of Bamberg. The International Office offers a three week intensive German course and orientation program for exchange students before the start of each semester. During the course, the students not only improve their German language skills but also learn about German culture and geography. They are also introduced to the organization of the University of Bamberg, general student services, the libraries, the course registration system, etc. 

During the semester, exchange students can participate in a variety of organized excursions and cultural events. The University also offers a Buddy Program, called TANDEM, which matches each international guest with one Bamberg student. The German students are available to assist the international participants with the first mandatory administrative steps in Bamberg and to ease the transition period. The German tandem partners also provide their international partners with a personal introduction to student life in Bamberg.”

Fabian and Matteo what is the main difference you find between USI and your university?

Fabian: “The University of Bamberg is bigger compared to USI. We have 13000 students (lots of them are internationals) and the university spreads across the city. There is not just one single campus but there are several locations. This is not a problem, as students can use public transport for free in Bamberg. The number of students per course is usually higher as well. Another main difference is the student life. As the city is not very large, the students form a huge group of the population. Therefore, you will find a lot to do there as a student.” 

Matteo: “In Bamberg there is no campus, since the university has buildings in all the city. As a student of Information Systems I had to attend lectures mostly in two different city districts and sometimes even in the city centre. That means, that I had to ride my bicycle to different districts between consecutive lectures. Conversely, the USI has a campus located in one place of the city of Lugano and in the adjacent streets.” 

What would you say or what advice would you give to another international student thinking of attending University of Bamberg

Matteo: “The welcome program for international students is very rich and useful and students’ tutors are very engaged to help the new guests. I would advise to join this program to know the beer culture in Bamberg with its eleven breweries and visit the various churches, buildings and the seven hills surrounding Bamberg. The tutors for international students are also very recommended, because they help to do the various bureaucratic procedures, once students arrive in Bamberg. Only a few lectures are taken in English: if students don’t speak German, the program offered in English is limited and international students should ask for information about the teaching language of the various courses. However, in the Faculty of Informatics there are more lectures in English than in other faculties.”

Tell us about your hometown. If I came to visit you, where in your hometown would you take me? What would you show me?
Fabian: “Bamberg has a beautiful old town with lots of interesting buildings. Many of them are older than 500 years. That is the reason why Bamberg is part of the UNESCO world cultural heritage. Besides, I would definitely recommend visiting the “Altenburg” which is a castle on a hill above the city. Here you can get a beautiful view of the area. Bamberg is also known for its cuisine and the beer brewing culture. Eating in one of the various brewery taverns and having a local beer is something you must do there. Dare to do it and enjoy your time there! You will certainly not regret it!”

More information: Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg