David Carrasco, SEMP mobility for traineeship grant holder at the Academy of Architecture


International Relations and Study abroad Service

15 December 2015

This testimonial describes the experience of David Carrasco, PhD candidate at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (ETSAM), Madrid. David has received a SEMP Mobility for Traineeships grant that allowed him to spend three months at the Academy of Architecture in Men- drisio and to work closely with Prof. Arch. Valerio Olgiati.

Hi David, thank you for accepting our invitation for this interview. Please tell us something about yourself.

“Hello, thank you very much for this opportunity to share my enriching experience in the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio. My name is David Carrasco, I am an architect from the ETSAM - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, obtaining both specialization certificates: in Building and in Structures. Now, I’m developing my PhD thesis in the Design Department (DPA) of the same school, where since 2012 I am also Assistant Professor in the Teaching Unit of Prof. Alberto Campo Baeza. He, with Prof. José Antonio Ramos Abengózar, are my doctorate directors.”

What does your research activity focus on? Why did you choose to come to the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture as a visiting researcher?

“My PhD thesis is titled “The primitive capabilities of reinforced concrete”. It studies how this new and old material allows the architects to think again about the origin of Architecture. Each material has its own rules and logic. Their possibilities are not often completely explored, mostly due to cultural reasons. Concrete is not an exception, but because of its specific properties it can translate directly a concept into reality. It is possible to give a unitarian and continuous solution to all architectural requirements with one single material.

On the other hand, Ernst H. Gombrich in his book “The preference for the primitive” works with the definition of this term, through the history of western taste and art, far from some prejudices to avoid misunderstandings. He concludes that the primitive manner is not the reflection of a lack of technique, that it can be used as an intention of the artist to express in a direct and crude way, full of strength.

Despite the fact that this research is complemented with the analysis of some buildings in which experimentation with reinforced concrete as the most important aspect of the project, it is not an historic investigation. Even the today’s worldwide accepted architectonic stylistic classification is not relevant for this study. They do not belong to a specific time or culture, even when they were built in a specific period. The most important aspect is to find and study the diverse tools of this way of working, which can be used in the architectonic project design. I have known of the Accademia in Mendrisio for a long time before visiting, and I was really interested in making this stay here, as my PhD will be candidate for mention in the International Excellence Campus. However, there are two main reasons for choosing to Mendrisio. The first one is very practical, because several of my case study buildings are here in Switzerland, so this allows me to visit them. The second reason is very clear, this stay in the Accademia offers me the opportunity to meet Prof. Valerio Olgiati, whose work is very strongly connected to these “primitive concrete”, perhaps not in the exactly same direction but in a close one. For this investigation, his experience and personal approach is full of value at different levels.”

You are also here as part of the SEMP/Erasmus placement scholarship programme. What is your internship about? Please describe a typical day at the office.

“The ideal week is divided in two parts that are related between them: Theory and Teaching. In the first half of the week, I spend a lot of time in the library. It is a nice building, with this huge drawing of Apollo/Medusa by Le Corbusier on the vertical wood stripes of its curved façade. Inside it, there is a great collection of books on the catalogue, and it also has very interesting documents in the archive. The people who work there and the facilities are of great help for my daily tasks. 

During the second part of the week I try to go to the critiques of different ateliers as an observer, I am very interested on learning how to teach architecture, and in Mendrisio you can find very good collection of examples. Of course, I go to every class of Prof. Olgiati to know his method in detail, also with the help of his three assistants. Then, we usually meet once per week. We talk about many aspects in relation with my PhD, but also about the teaching experience and architecture in general. The dialogues are really exciting and motivating, he shows a lot of interest for my research and also for different aspects of the Architecture School of Madrid. He is a generous and accessible person, I appreciate each of his words. 

I keep learning in the weekends, organizing travels to know better the magnificent Swiss architecture, not only to the concrete buildings I am studying for my PhD. The USI also programmes very interesting activities for the exchange students.”

How is the working environment? Have you had the chance to interact with some of the big names of the Ticinese School of architecture?

“Naturally, I don’t have such a strict routine as described before, sometimes I also attend to theoretical classes and lectures that are usually announced in posters. This gives me a superficial global vision that makes me understand better the context of what is happening in the Accademia. Even though it is still a young school (architecture usually takes long times), I think that it was very well conceived at multiple levels and it is finding its place in the international architectonic panorama. It is really well organized, probably because it is not too big, and somehow it is possible to see an idea of architecture that wants to be taught here. Prove of it are all the high quality events, exhibitions and publications. They are really well coordinated over some strong parameters, but at the same time, giving total freedom to each Atelier. I had the chance to interact not only with the big names but also with the students, which I find very important in order to understand the reality and the result of this whole system.”

In which way has this period abroad enriched you, both professionally and personally, so far?

“Everything is new and, at the same time, everything is known. Through my description above it is possible to notice how excited I am with this experience that I will strongly recommend. Honestly, I am not sure if this knowledge will have a practical application or not. However, it is not the main point. This exchanges are good for both the guest and the host, who are enriched simultaneously. The important thing is that the mix is done, now we should wait to see what really remains. Going abroad also gives you a certain distance from your quotidian environment, and it helps you to take some perspective.”

What would you say to other students wishing to benefit from this kind of grants?

“It is a great opportunity to know what happens beyond the limits of your home university, probably the best moment is when you already have a clear idea of one institution. I find that the most interesting thing is not only the approach of each school by itself, but the synergic dialogue between them. The people of the administration are really kind, they will help you a lot to make the best of this experience. Here in Mendrisio it is possible to focus in your study without any distractions.”

Please describe your experience in 3 keywords.

“There are three words that Alberto Campo Baeza told me before coming, the three starts with “ES” in Spanish: EStudia, EScucha, EScribe (Study, Listen and Write). These three words have been always very present in my mind during these months.”