Feminist Strike - 14th June 2024

On Friday 14 June, a nationwide feminist strike will be held. The topics proclaimed by the Strike for the year 2024 are:

  • Feminist society free of patriarchal violence, in which relationships based on mutual respect, equality and consensus can be forged. Women, with lgbtq+ people at their side, walk the streets free, calm and at ease, with the knowledge that they are in a space built by them and for them.
  • Society and a feminist economy capable of putting care work and social reproduction at the centre. Productive work and reproductive work are equally distributed and care work, which sustains the world, is recognised and valued.
  • A feminist society in which 'feminised' professions and 'professionalised' women are taken seriously and justly remunerated. Women enter the world of education and work with every opportunity to realise their potential, motherhood is seen as an added value and there is no shortage of opportunities to reconcile professional and private life.
  • Feminist societies free from wars, which always and everywhere rage with particular brutality on women and children. Solidarity is the basis of community interactions and global balances and violence, of any kind, a distant memory.
  • Eco-feminist society based on the recognition of our mutual (eco-)dependence on other living beings. Plants, animals and people coexist in perfect balance and the planet is protected and preserved as our present and future.
  • Societies that know how to break down borders and overcome all forms of racism. Every place is now a zone of passage, exchange and welcome

USI supports the initiatives on campus and those who wish to take part in the strike and, in order to promote the participation of the entire academic community, as of this year, an exam free day has been introduced starting at 12 noon.

For additional information please consult the webpage


Call for ideas

Call for ideas is an initiative aimed at gathering input, ideas and food for thought on the issues proclaimed by the strike.

The call is open to all members of the USI community.