Past Field Projects

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  • Field projects: 2021 Edition

    Field projects: 2021 Edition

    In 2021, two groups of students collaborated with the Kinderspital Zurich on the broad topic of health literacy.

    One of the groups critically revised scientific literature and conducted interviews with healthcare professionals to find the best measurements of health literacy for children and adapt them. A second group worked on documentary analysis of the hospital existing materials to assess their readability, clarity, and understandability for the different children health literacy levels. Both groups came up with a set of recommendations for the institution.

    The students were very friendly in the interactions via mail and over the phone. As for a group of two people I was impressed with the number of brochures and books that they have analyzed and that they additionally took part in the interviews.  Also, they succeeded in showing their expertise in the field to the client.” (Carline Perren-Fuchs, Clinical Manager)

  • Field projects: 2020 Edition

    In 2020 the students collaborated with the Kantonspital Aarau on the topic of fundraising for the department of Neurosurgery.

    The students worked hard to develop instruments to improve research fundraising strategies. They got to know their research objectives, and they acquired knowledge about the funding bodies at a local, national and international level.

    "Very good. It is always a great chance for both to work together on problems and to learn from each other. We appreciated the team, their effort, their engagement, their willingness to achieve the best possible results given the circumstances, etc. a lot." (Carline Perren-Fuchs, Clinical Manager)

  • Field projects: 2019 Edition

    The 2019 Edition of the field projects saw the students engaging in two challenging projects with:


    Ufficio del Medico Cantonale

    “Studio esplorativo sull’impatto della Direttiva sull’obbligo della mascherina durante l'epidemia influenzale emanata nell'ottobre 2018”

    "Il lavoro è stato da noi molto apprezzato perché le studentesse hanno saputo raccogliere sul terreno e analizzare degli elementi che ci saranno utili per elaborare, migliorare e adattare la nostra comunicazione alle diverse categorie (case anziani, SACD, cliniche e ospedali) per le prossime epidemie influenzali." (Dott. Mario Lazzaro, Medico Cantonale aggiunto)


    Neuro Research Office, Aarau

    “The improved online appearance of Neurochirurgie Aargau”

    The students carried on a competitive analysis of hospitals website at a national and international level. They found criteria for the evaluation of the contents and developed a score for judging each website. They then come up with suggestions on how to improve the neurosurgery website, by taking into account also patients' preferences.

    We appreciated the opportunity of conducting a field project at our department. The “problem” has been very good understood by the research group and we were impressed by the methodology the research group used to address our “problem” and the knowledge we gained as a result of the project.  We were overall very satisfied with the project. (Carline Fuchs- Perren, Head of Neuro Research Office)

  • Field projects: 2018 Edition

    In 2018 the students collaborated with Clinica Luganese Moncucco on the project “Exploratory study on doctors’, patients’ and population’s needs and expectations towards communication contents and channels” and investigated “Novartis engagement with a young audience through Social Networks in Switzerland”.


    Clinica Luganese Moncucco

    The students investigated the preferences of patients and clinicians in terms of hospital communication. They were able to deliver guidelines for future external communication strategies to be implemented in the short as well as in the long-term period.



    The second group of students deepened the social media appearance of Novartis and its competitors. Meanwhile, they investigated what the specific target population (e.g. the Millennials) behaviours and preferences in terms of social media were. This in order to come up with suggestions for the future digital strategy.

  • Field projects: 2017 Edition

    In 2017, the students of the Master in Communication, Management and Health carried out four successful field projects for very renowned organizations in health.


    Società Svizzera per la Fibrosi Cistica

    The students’ team was asked to research in order to find out a strategy to successfully reach the millennial generation. Main aim was raising awareness, and the secondary expected outcome was to increase donors among the specific target group.



    MIDATA is a very ambitious project, which needs to take onboard various stakeholders. To reach this aim, students were asked to study their global communication, as well as the specific communication related to individual projects. Results was a set of recommendations targeting the different audiences.

    “Very well conducted, excellent recommendation, good time management”, Serge Bignens,


    Ospedale Regionale di Mendrisio

    Among EOC sites, Ospedale Regionale di Mendrisio is taking care of most of the migrant population coming to the Italian region of Switzerland. They are therefore very much interested in the network of Swiss Hospital for Equity, and in their best practices. Students have acquired the knowledge of such a network and adapted the best practices to the local institution.

    Very good and useful to improve the quality of the provision of care of migrant patients, and more in general of vulnerable patients. The final outcome was far beyond our initial expectations

    Moreno Doninelli, Ospedale Regionale di Mendrisio


    Swiss Medical Network

    The clinics of the Italian region of the Swiss Medical Network are active on social media, however they would like to build a proper strategy. In order to do so, they’ve asked students to evaluate their activity and the one of their competitors.

    We’ve found good motivation and communication skills next to professionalism at “a student level”

    Elena Lidonnici and Antonio Sansossio, Swiss Medical Network

  • Field projects: 2016 Edition


    A group of students evaluated and monitored "The brand value for ESMO members".

    The students designed and conducted an in depth analysis of ESMO and its competitors' community communication materials. The information collected has been used to provide recommendations to ESMO for a brand new kind communication material.

    "Team members proved to be extremely committed to the project, they made a strong effort to understand our needs and developed the analysis with a high level of precision and attention to the details. They demonstrated high professionalism in the interaction with the client, in their communications and interactions. They made an excellent report and final presentation, clearly presenting themselves as a professional team, capable of teamwork and to interact with the client in a fruitful discussion over final results"

    Vanessa Pavinato (Media Relations and Third-Party Media Activities) & Marina Cogo (Communication Project Officer) ESMO


    Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC)

    Another group of students explored the possibility of "Developing effective communication strategies to sensitize hospital collaborators toward vaccination".

    They developed a literature review focusing on the topic of vaccination in general, on flu vaccination and on hospital collaborators attitude toward it in particular. They carried on qualitative interviews with nurses, and as a final product they developed two surveys to monitor future vaccination campaigns as well as some recommendations.

    "We found the student team to be highly motivated and professional. The communication skills are we could judge from their intermediary and especially from the final presentation was quite impressive"

    Dr. med. Carlo Balmelli (Head of EONOSO Service) (EOC)


    Ospedale Beata Vergine (OBV)

    A third group of students "Investigating patients' experience of the day surgery project at the Ospedale Beata Vergine di Mendrisio". The students developed an in-depth literature review on the topic ambulatory surgery, and from that, they derived topic guide for in depth interviews to be carried out with different stakeholders. By interviewing physicians, nurses and patients, understanding the structure and the process of the ambulatory surgery, and analyzing a newly developed material, they were able to evaluate the status quo and to suggest new communication strategies.

    "The tem was very motivated and resourceful since the beginning. The communication with us and all the requests they made were immediately clear, understandable and rapid. Students have managed to handle the work with the minimum necessary information and great autonomy. They have never been intrusive, rather pleasant and discrete"

    Graziano Selmoni (General Manager), Helene Quadranti-Boschetti (Management assistant), Dr. Med Guy Rodenhäuser (Head of Anesthesiology) OBV


    Associazione Svizzera Non-fumatori (ASN)

    Another group of students worked on the "Investigate communication strategies to sensitize population against smoking, with particular attention to the ones targeting young adults".

    Students reviewed and archived communication materials developed by the association and its partners. They also reviewed the literature extensively in order to find best practices and guidelines for future development of materials. Meanwhile they validated some chosen materials through focus groups with a sample of the target population.

    "The students were very professional and flexible, as they promptly responded to requests emerged during the project which have not been previously foresaw"

    Alberto Polli (Director) & Chiara Bramani (Consultant) ASN


    Fondazione Ticino Cuore (FTC)

    A last group of students worked on the "Developing effective communication strategies to sensitize population to the topic of sudden cardiac death".

    In order to achieve this aim students reviewed the literature in depth. Furthermore, they developed and tested a survey tool that measures the literacy level of the population, whilst they investigated psychosocial aspects of first responders who decide to intervene during a cardiac arrest through a qualitative study.

  • Field Project: 2015 Edition


    A group of students evaluated and monitored ESMO Brand reputation online and on social media platform.

    The students designed and conducted an analysis of ESMO and its competitors' presence and reputation on social media. This allowed them to identify the hot topics and the main digital opinion leaders. The information collected has been used to provide recommendations to ESMO for a social media strategy.

    "Team members proved to be extremely committed to the project; they made a strong effort to understand our needs and developed the analysis with a high level of precision and attention to the details. They proposed an innovative methodological framework to address our questions. They demonstrated high professionalism in the interaction with the client, in their communications and interactions. They made an excellent report and final presentation, clearly presenting themselves as a professional team, capable of teamwork and to interact with the client in a very fruitful discussion over final results."  Vanessa Pavinato (Media Relations and Third-Party Media Activities) & Marina Cogo (Communication Project Officer) ESMO


    GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance

    Another group of students explored the effects of GAVI partners' social mobilisation activities for vaccination in GAVI-eligible countries.

    They developed a literature review focusing on five areas related to the topics of vaccination, social mobilization and the geographical area of interest for the project. Furthermore, they conducted qualitative face to face interviews in and African country with both representatives of the Ministry of Health and other in-country partners involved in the Social Mobilisation campaign and with Lions Club members

    "The students were very engaged and motivated from day 1; they were a pleasure to work with, approaching the project with professionalism and with good organization.  Their supervisor(s) equally were incredibly professional and capable and a pleasure to work with." Louise Leech (Senior Public Health Consultant) GAVI



    A third group of students monitored the online discussion on natural medicine in European and Middle-east countries for GINSANA.

    The students developed an in-depth literature review on the topic of phytotherapy and related online behavior of customers and health care practitioners. Furthermore, they manually analyzed diverse digital media on the topic of phytotherapy.

    "Very motivated and professional. The group was able to dive through the problem and reach the solution with a good level of "independence" Elisa Ranieri (Head of Marketing EMEA) GINSANA


    Soho Floridis International (SFI)

    A last group of students worked on the "Development of a pyramid advisory board and related communication strategies for SFI".

    In order to achieve this aim the students developed a stakeholder map and profile along with a literature review and recommendations regarding KOLs, and lastly they presented an overview and suggestions regarding information sharing systems. In addition to this they also developed a survey intended to gather data on various factors related to phytotherapy such as beliefs, benefits, and barriers.

    "The final report was prepared in a professional way and very well presented, with proper analysis of literature and market survey that allowed to make useful recommendations. The Team demonstrated high level of motivation, team work approach and full commitment on the project respecting always the timelines."
    Gian Luca Ligas (Global Product Manager) & Alberto Vignutelli (Head of Medicine) SFI

  • Field Project: 2014 Edition

    In 2014, the students of the Master in Communication, Management and Health carried out two successful field projects for very renowned organisations in health.


    The first group of students developed a "Monitoring and Evaluation" module for an "Advocacy and Communication" Toolkit for routine immunization in low income countries for PATH. The students conducted an in-depth literature review about advocacy and immunization, as well as monitoring and evaluation theories and tools. They developed their own theory-based framework  and produced an easy-to-use, simple and concrete monitoring and evaluation module, taking into consideration local constraints.

    "The quality of final product and presentation was outstanding. The research and the research methods employed were thorough, appropriate and well chosen. It was not an easy brief but the team did a stellar job achieving it." Jane McElligott, Senior Strategic Communications Manager, PATH



    The second group developed a differentiated communication strategy for social ventures for Novartis. The students conducted a comprehensive literature review about CSR and Social Ventures.  Key players in the field of social ventures were identified and comparative case study analyses were conducted, including website and report analyses, traditional and social media activity monitoring, and interviews with communications personnel. Furthermore, traditional and online activity as it related to social ventures was employed to better understand where salient conversations were taking place and how these initiatives were being referred to. Based on the data collected, the students provided Novartis with strategic  recommendations for effective communication for social ventures.

  • Field Projects: 2013 Edition

    The second edition of the field projects was very successful, with four organizations in health in spring 2013. In group of four, all second-year students performed a field project, whose outcomes were highly positive:



    The first group of students worked on a Differentiated Pricing Communication Strategy for Novartis. Students conducted a desktop audit of Novartis' and its competitors' websites, online monitoring of social media and case studies. This comprehensive analysis of pricing communication informed the students' recommendations regarding a group-wide pricing communication strategy for Novartis.

    "We are highly appreciative of the field project ; the research and analysis was thorough and professional; findings and recommendations were well evidenced, realistic and applicable to our 'real-life' challenges." Alexis Kalomparis, Head, Excellence & Risk Communications, Novartis

    "The field project was an exciting addition to our Master's program and served as a nice transition from the academic to the private sector. It provides a unique glimpse into the possible carrier paths that many Master's graduates will take after the conclusion of their academic program." Michael Wise, MCMH student



    The second group, in collaboration with Ginsana SA, explored how to use social media to target pregnant/nursing women and promote a new multi-vitamin Madrina product in Italy. The students conducted a content analysis of social media, a competitor review and an online survey in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Italian online landscape and make recommendations to Ginsana.

    "The students used interesting methods of analysis and provided a clear analysis of the on-line landscape and valuable recommendations. Their work will help the development of the company's online communication." Elisa Ranieri, Marketing & Communication Manager, Ginsana SA

    The field project was a valuable experience that added professionalism and practical knowledge to our master program. Working with Ginsana represented an exciting challenge since the very beginning and all along the project" Laura Zini, MCMH student 


    Swiss Red Cross Regional Blood Service

    The third group, in collaboration with the Swiss Red Cross Regional Blood Service, Svizzera Italiana, conducted qualitative research on the motivations and barriers among USI students to donate blood. The evaluation of previous blood drive campaigns and the results of focus groups informed the students' recommendations on how to increase blood donations at the university.

    "We very much appreciated the field project because it allowed us to analyze the best strategies to sensitize young students to donate blood and to let them know the purpose of the donation and our activity. We doubled the number of students who donated blood in May 2013 vs December 2012. This is an amazing achievement." Dott.Damiano Castelli MD PhD, Medical Director SRC Regional Blood Service

    "We believe that the opportunity to take part on the field project conducted alongside the Swiss Red Cross Regional Blood Service was extremely exciting and challenging. In particular, working as a team and applying the learned theoretical concepts allowed us to successfully achieve a practical outcome within the health sector". Gabriele Sak & Emanuele Cassani, MCMH students


    Health Promotion Switzerland

    The fourth group, in collaboration with Health Promotion Switzerland, performed an analysis of product and marketing strategies by the Swiss beverage industry. The students used a two-fold method of data collection: a content analysis of both the websites and the social media activity of major companies in the Swiss beverage market. Their report was part of a three-part project in which the influences of sugar sweetened beverages on health in Switzerland was investigated.  

    "The student team was highly motivated and competent. They all had excellent communication skills and delivered an outstanding report that was included in the Foundation's report on sugar sweetened beverages in Switzerland published in the fall 2013". Nicolas Sperisen, Project Manager, Health Promotion Switzerland

    "Working on the consulting project for Health Promotion Switzerland was a great way to get a feeling for the working world and rounded off the two-year master program in a unique way - the cherry on top if you wish. I had the pleasure of working in a great team and learned a lot, both on a professional as well as a personal level. All in all it was a rewarding experience I would not want to miss!" Julia Amann, MCMH student

  • Field Projects: 2012 Edition

    The first edition of the field projects for our Master's programme in the spring 2012 was a successful collaboration with three organizations in health

    In the spring 2012, all second-year students from the Master in Communication, Management and Health performed a field project, whose outcomes were highly positive:


    Health Promotion Switzerland

    A first group, in collaboration with Health Promotion Switzerland, conducted an exploratory qualitative survey on nutrition and physical activity in high schools and vocational schools in Switzerland.

    "The student team was very motivated and engaged. I was astonished by the quality of their work." Günter Ackermann, quality and evaluation project manager, Health Promotion Switzerland.


    Ginsana SA

    A second group, in collaboration with Ginsana SA, undertook a qualitative survey to explore the perception of Swiss pharmacists' and druggists' on the product 'Ginsana'.

    "We are very satisfied with the project, which in particular provided valuable insights from the market's analysis. The team was committed and passionate. We definitely consider to pursue another project although the idea on the topic will be shared at the right time". Elisa Ranieri, Marketing and Communication Manager, Ginsana SA.

    "It was a great opportunity to apply the gained knowledge to a real business issue. It was very interesting to merge academic tools to marketing practice. Great team work." Rebecca Amati, MCMH student.



    The third group, in collaboration with the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), conducted an exploratory survey to provide a better understanding of non-members' perceptions and awareness of ESMO, and barriers that prevent membership.

    "Our first experience with developing a field project in collaboration with USI has been very satisfactory. Students were great and it was a pleasure working with them. They demonstrated high professionalism in the quality of their work, analysis and presentation." Marina Cogo, Communication Project Leader, ESMO

    "Working with an international organization was really interesting. Finding a middle way between academia and the professional world was definitively the most exciting and challenging part." Sara Palazzo, MCMH student


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