Structure and contents

The Master of Arts in Interreligious Dialogue: Science, Philosophy, and Theology of Religions is a comprehensive four-semester programme, providing convenient online access. The program aims to cultivate a profound understanding of major world religions and foster meaningful interreligious dialogue.

The first semester initiates students into the foundational aspects of diverse faith traditions through an introductory course "Religions from the Inside: improving Interreligious Dialogue." Esteemed representatives from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism expound upon the fundamental principles and beliefs intrinsic to their respective religions. Additionally, this semester delves into the topic of violence in religion, offering critical examinations from the perspectives of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.

The subsequent three semesters explore various thematic domains, encompassing Religious Experience in Historical and Contemporary Contexts, central inquiries in world religions, and pragmatic exemplifications of Interreligious Dialogue. Noteworthy scholars and experts in the field take part as Professors in the video lectures to facilitate a deep understanding of these subjects. All lectures are recorded and offered in asynchronous mode, enabling students to access the content at their convenience, regardless of their geographic location and time zone.

Successful completion of the program necessitates completing the written examinations, the submission of a research ePortfolio, and the presentation of a final thesis. Upon meeting these requirements, students will be awarded 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), and they will be granted the academic distinction of Master of Arts in Interreligious Dialogue: Science, Philosophy, and Theology of Religions.