Lorenzo Vecchio, Experienced Gameplay Designer, Playground Games


Servizio alumni

17 Gennaio 2022

In order to help current students and recent graduates to find their way in the working world, many of our alumni shared their career story. Here the story of Lorenzo Vecchio, Experienced Gameplay Designer at Playground Games in Leamington Spa (UK). USI Degree: Bachelor in Communication Sciences, 2017.

How did you start your career?

After completing the Bachelor at USI, I applied for a experience focussed Master of Science at Birmingham City University in the United Kingdom. The MSc in Video Game Design, Production and Enterprise allowed me to acquire sudo experience of the game industry processes and practices with a multi disciplinary team, in a academy journey that was focussed on learning through practice rather than theory, as well as helping us in creating a professional network in view of our possible future professional relationships. We created and released a Free Mobile Game product on the Google Play Store in the first part of the Master, and created a PS4 demo in Unreal Engine for the second part. All of this was managed and directed by students covering different roles in a simulated studio environment. The professional network along with the tangible experience that the MSc allowed us to create, has put me in a position where I could take opportunities with companies that would periodically monitor the progress of individuals participating in the master course, with the intention of scouting for new fresh talent. One of those was Pixel Toys with which I ended un interviewing obtaining and offer for a Design position that I eventually took.

What is your current role/duties?

I am responsible for the User experience design, in particular about designing game systems that are compelling, fun to interact with and have a reason to exist in the context of the genre and platform the product is being developed for. This includes communicating and interfacing with people from all the other disciplines involved in the development process.

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Playground Games?

It really depend on the discipline, but the two that are fundamental to be successful are proactivity and teamwork. Video games are one, if not the
most, advanced form of art and entertainment the human mind can create in out time, and it required multiple minds working together to create something that no one alone can create at a certain level.

What positive aspects and qualities meant most to you during the study programme you attended?

Attitude and will to learn new things.

What competences and/or skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

Critical thinking, media studies, human psychology and user experience are the aspects that I find myself re tapping into almost on a daily basis at work. Might not have been strictly related to a particular subject or lesson program, but the sum of its parts shaped my mind to be ready to take on such an ordeal like trying to push into a fiercely competitive industry.

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

Do not be afraid of reinventing yourself, especially at the end of a academic journey. The most important decision you can make after you
achieve your academic goal is to choose a industry you are really passionate about, and you should not assume that your knowledge is not transferable. With enough dedication and commitment, you can always channel your know-how to reshape yourself into someone you will not regret to be for the rest of your career.


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