REHES IV Workshop - Higher Education and its Organizations

Istituto di comunicazione e politiche pubbliche

Data d'inizio: 6 Ottobre 2022

Data di fine: 7 Ottobre 2022

USI, West Campus, Red Building - Via Buffi 13, Lugano, Switzerland

Higher education is currently facing various challenges affecting different levels from student and academic staff (micro), higher education institutions (meso) to the whole higher education system (macro). Higher education research can contribute to advance our understanding and ultimately address these challenges, notably thanks to its multidisciplinary character. Sharing knowledge across disciplines and levels of analysis at the Swiss level is what motivated the initiative “Research on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland” (REHES).

The Institute of Communication and Public Policy of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) is proud to host REHES IV in Lugano, continuing the successful series initiated in 2019 with REHES I organised by CHESS in Bern, REHES II organised online by our colleagues from the University of Lausanne in 2020, and REHES III organised by the higher education development unit of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur.

This workshop brings together researchers based in Switzerland and other European countries working on higher education topics within any discipline, e.g., sociology, political sciences, pedagogy, education sciences, to discuss the wide variety of aspects related to higher education from the individual to the organizational and system levels.

Registration closed.


Thursday, October 6, 2022. Room A-13  
9.30-9.45  Benedetto Lepori & Jean-Patrick Villeneuve (USI) Welcome Speech  
Higher education system and governance  
09:45-10:15 Anna Kosmützky (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany), Georg Krücken (University of Kassel, Germany) New Forms of Competition and Cooperation in Science and Higher Education: Some Ideas on their Interconnectedness  
10:15-10:45 Emanuela Reale, Antonio Zinilli (CNR, Italy) Research evaluation as a tool for governance: effects on knowledge production  
10:45-11:15 Nex Bengson (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) The concept of National University  
11:15-11:30 Coffee break  
11:30-12:00 Alice Civera (University of Bergamo, Italy) The political power of the Italian rectors: An analysis of recruitments in the period 2001-2021  
12:00-13:00 Lunch break  
13:00-14:00 Network Assembly REHES  
Digitalization, society and knowledge transfer  
14:00-14:30 Luca Tratschin, Christian Leder (UZH) Organizational positionings and the response to socio-technical change: Addressing digital transformation in the Swiss university field, 2010-2020  
14:30-15:00 Philippe Saner (UNILU) Future Visions and Coordinated Stability. Debating Digital Transformation in Swiss Research and Higher Education Policy (1998-2020)  
15:00-15:30 Maryna Lakhno (USI) A Set-Theoretic Approach to Unpacking Sustainability in Swiss Higher Education Sector  
15:30-15:45 Coffee break  
15:45-16:15 Franz Barjak (FHNW) Student-mediated knowledge exchange: reviewing the literature on an unjustly neglected form of interaction between higher education and business  
16:15-16:45 Christian Wassmer, Katharina Sommer, Carole Probst (ZHAW) Organizations, disciplines, and staff: Levels of influence of higher education institutions on knowledge and technology transfer in Switzerland. An analysis based on the Swiss APiKS survey  
16:45-17:15 Hans-Dieter Daniel (UZH) Impacts of Funding Programmes for Internationally Mobile Postdocs on Individuals, Host Institutions and Society  

Dinner at the Canvetto Luganese

Via Rinaldo Simen 14, 6900 Lugano



Friday, October 7, 2022. Room A-32  
Audiences and spaces in higher education  
09:15-09:45 Victoria Bauer (University of Hannover, Germany)                       Does Measuring Social Origin Matter? Social Reproduction in Access to Higher Education  
09:45-10:15 Carlos Azevedo (Open University, UK) Students as (more than) consumers? A Bourdieusian exploration of English undergraduates’ discourses on and practices in higher education  
10:15-10:45 Manon Fauvelais (EPFL) Collaborative couples in science - plugging the leaking pipeline?  
10:45-11:00 Coffee break  
11:00-11:30 Pinar Eldemir (USI)            Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review  
11:30-12:00 Anne-Sophie Delval (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Being Swiss and/or international: Territorialities at play in the Field of Swiss Hospitality Management Schools  
12:00-13:00 Standing Lunch  
Careers in and outside academia  
13:00-13:30 Gaële Goastellec (UNIL), Carole Probst (ZHAW) How research funding models impact early-career employment opportunities: Insights from Switzerland  
13:30-14:00 Maria Karaulova (Fraunhofer ISI, Germany) Understanding Career Transitions of Applied Researchers to Universities. Evidence from Germany  
14:00-14:30 Aldo Geuna (University of Turin, Italy) Preferences, social shaping and gender: Non-academic career of doctorates in Italy  
14:30-14:45 Benedetto Lepori (USI) Closing remarks  



Marco Cavallaro (USI), [email protected]

Benedetto Lepori (USI), [email protected]




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