Matilde Ciroldi, Jr. Analytic Consultant, NielsenIQ


Servizio alumni

16 Luglio 2023

To help current students and recent graduates navigate the world of work, several USI Alumni shared their career paths and career story. Here the story of Matilde Ciroldi, Jr. Analytic Consultant in NielsenIQ in Milan (I). USI Degree: Master in Management, 2020.

How did you start your career?

After graduation (October 2020) I worked 9 months as a Business Analyst in the fashion industry in the Lugano area, but my professional goal was to hold an analytic role in the marketing field. Therefore, I joined NielsenIQ, the worldwide leader in consumer intelligence for fast moving consumer goods. After a short internship I got an offer and now I am a junior analytic consultant with international clients in the beverage and confectionery industries.

Why did you choose a career in NielsenIQ?

I chose to work at NielsenIQ because I wanted to hold an analytic role in the marketing field, and NielsenIQ is the leader in consumer and retail analytics. NielsenIQ offers plenty of opportunities to learn (for example, there is an Academy for interns with lessons hold by managers and final exams), you have the possibility to grow within your role or to move in other teams specialized in innovative services to clients (eg, consultancy about new product launches, ad hoc analyses on consumer behaviors). The work environment is very friendly and collaborative, you receive mentoring from buddies and managers, you are given increasing responsibilities and you can work with the most successful companies worldwide (eg. Coca-Cola, Unilever, P&G, L’Orèal, among others).

What is your current role/duties?

In my role, I conduct analyses on market and competition to find valuable insights and suggest clients actionable recommendations to drive their growth. Examples of recommendations can be related to the 4 marketing levers (eg, a better price positioning, new distribution opportunities, a more efficient promotion strategy, opportunities for new product launches). I also provide consultancy for ad hoc analyses and additional services that the client could rely on to achieve their marketing objectives.

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career in NielsenIQ?

The top 3 qualities are:

  1. being highly numerical,
  2. being curious about consumer and retail trends,
  3. being eager to learn in a fast-paced environment.

What positive aspects and qualities meant most to you during the study programme you attended?

What meant most to me during my studies at USI were the team projects, to develop team working skills, but also the tight deadlines of projects and exams, to become able to work well under pressure (a quality that is crucial especially for aspiring consultants).

The Msc in Management provided me the analytical and numerical skills required to gain confidence with numbers. The elective courses I chose (related to marketing) enabled me to apply these analytical skills to the marketing field and gain a solid knowledge about the main marketing levers, together with brand management and consumer behavior.

What competences and/or skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

Regarding the study plan, the most important exams impacting my career prospects have been: business analytics (to get s good command of excel), project management (to learn how to manage projects successfully in a work environment), corporate finance (to learn how to build and manage a business plan) and consumer behavior (to understand the basica behind motivations, attitudes and buying behaviors that consumers can display).

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

My advice is to apply to jobs that fit with your interests and career objectives. When choosing a job, try to think about what it can give you in the next 5 years. At the same time, do not give up if you do not get your dream job at the first attempt: there are plenty of reasons you can’t control about why you were not considered the best fit. However. if you maintain a determined attitude and improve your job application strategy interview after interview, you will achieve your goal faster than you expect.


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