Lugano Philosophy Colloquia. Fall 2024

Composition No. II; Composition in Line and Color (1913) by Piet Mondrian
Composition No. II; Composition in Line and Color (1913) by Piet Mondrian

Master in Philosophy

2 Settembre 2024

The Lugano Philosophy Colloquia continues on this fall 2024!

This series of events are held on campus for philosophy students and on Zoom for everyone. To participate in these events, please write to [email protected]
The recording will then be posted on the ISFI youtube channel.

Provisional schedule and names (the abstract of the talk will be added in due time):

(1) On Monday, September 23 at 5.30pm (CET), Room 1.2 FTL Building (USI west campus)
Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen (Lund)
Strength of Reason
Chaired by Alain Pe-Curto (USI)

Abstract: In this talk I outline and defend a novel view of strength (weight) of reasons. The view aligns well with the idea that reasons are facts that favour actions or attitudes.

(2) On Friday, October 11 at 5.30pm (CET), Room Multiuso FTL Building (USI west campus)
Joshua Babic (USI)
Chaired by TBD

Abstract: TBA

(3) On Friday, October 25 at 5.30pm (CET), Room Multiuso FTL Building (USI west campus)
Karen Crowther (Oslo)
Chaired by Marta Pedroni (USI)

Abstract: TBA

(4) On Friday, November 15 at 5.30pm (CET), Room Multiuso FTL Building (USI west campus)
Sebastian Speitel (Bonn)
Chaired by Léon Probst (USI)

Abstract: TBA

(5) On Friday, November 29 at 5.30pm (CET), Room Multiuso FTL Building (USI west campus)
Alain Pe-Curto (USI)
Chaired by TBD

Abstract: TBA

(6) On Friday, December 13 at 5.30pm (CET), Room Multiuso FTL Building (USI west campus)
Timothy Williamson (Oxford)
Chaired by Damiano Costa (USI)

Abstract: TBA


If you want to stay updated on our incoming events, please visit this webpage, or subscribe to our mailing list.

For any question, please don't hesitate to write to [email protected]

Cristian Mariani, Marta Pedroni, Léon Probst

Events of the Institute of Philosophy (ISFI)
with the SNSF funded projects:
Equivalence in Metaphysics, Intensionality in Metamathematics, Quantum Indeterminacy, Temporal Existence, and Value Exploration.
