Camilla Carlotta Caire, Brand Specialist, Amazon


Alumni Service

17 February 2020

In order to help current students and recent graduates to find their way in the working world, many of our alumni shared their career story. Here the story of Camilla Carlotta Caire, Brand Specialist in Amazon in Milan (Italy). USI Degree: Master in Marketing, 2017.

How did you start your career?

I was attending the last semester of my Master's Degree when I started to work for Nestlé Italy as Assistant Brand Specialist in Milan. It was great! I joined the International Business Unit of Nestlé Confectionary and some of the best projects I followed there have been the renovation of the strategy, the logo and the Perugina's products, both for the Italian and International markets. After almost one year, I started the recruiting process in Amazon Italia and I've been hired at the beginning of February 2018.

Why did you choose a career in Amazon?

At the beginning of 2017, I had to choose the topic of my Master’s Thesis and I decided to focus it on the Brand strategy of one the best Tech Company in the World, such as Amazon. One year later I started to work there. It is amazing to have the possibility to be part of a great Company as Amazon. Here people say "It's always Day 1", and it is true. Every day is always like the first day, and we have to start everything from the beginning: we learn something new on a daily basis; we must change our work routines in a very short time; we start working in new and totally different fields every day. This is absolutely exciting! You have the opportunity to work with people from all over the world, with different backgrounds and cultures. It is possible to improve your skills by asking to follow new projects according to your interests, on top of your current role. In Amazon we have 14 famous Leadership Principles which perfectly describe how the "Amazonians" should work and the one I surely prefer is "Think Big": I love thinking outside of the box, and in Amazon I can do it!

What is your current role/duties?

I am member of the Media Team, which is focused on products such as books, movies, music, video games and merchandising. I work closely with big companies that sell their products on Amazon. My role is salesfocused, but it is also made by tasks in other areas, like instock and marketing. The part I like the most is for sure the negotiation side, in addition to the planning of marketing strategies.

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career in Amazon?

First of all, an Amazonian must be multitasking, a curious and enthusiastic person and most importantly always ready to changes. Secondly, as I mentioned before, I think the best way to describe a successful Amazon employee are the 14 Leadership Principles: check them here!

What are USI’s positive features and qualities?

The best USI quality is the international environment; this prepares students to the job world. In addition, I think the possibility to apply the theory studied to practical cases is the best way to concretely learn how to exploit this knowledge in the future job.

What competences and/or skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

Even if during the University period some students could consider teamwork as a waste of time, in my opinion the opportunity to work with other people on a project focused on what we were studying was one of the most useful competence I’ve learnt in USI. We started to think as a worker, trying to deliver specific results as a team in a Company.

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

When you start your job career, it’s normal to have doubts about which could be the right path or the right area on which you want to focus your work. Start a job, take 6 months/1 year to understand if you have done the right choice, then don’t be scared to change if you think it is not your way. If you’ll find out that this was not the right job for you, take that period as an added value for your career, because I’m sure every experience allows us to learn something! Finally, as advice for USI students I want to propose a sentence that the supervisor of my Bachelor’s Thesis quoted me: “Think Big, Act Small, Fail Fast, Learn Rapidly”.


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