CV Counselling by Industry Experts: EF Education, LAC, LTCC, FFS/SBB, RSI, Switzerland Tourism

Career Service

Date: 12 November 2024 / 09:00 - 10:00

The Career Service offers, each semester, CV Counselling by Industry Experts sessions to students entering the world of work.

The CV Counselling by Industry Experts are one-to-one meetings, lasting 20-minutes, with professionals from different fields, to get a review and advise on Curriculum Vitae.

3rd appointment: Tuesday, November 12, H. 09.00-11.00

Executive Centre, 3rd floor, Main Building, Campus Ovest

Participating companies:

  • EF Education: Serena Dolci, Country Manager (USI Alumna, Master Comunicazione istituzionale, 2006); Giulia Gervasini, Country Product Manager (USI Alumna, Master International tourism, 2018)
  • LAC: Stefania Stancampiano, Responsabile HR
  • LTCC (Lifestyle Tech Competence Center): Ledia Malecaj, Marketing Specialist
  • FFS/SBB: Sonia Soldati Balzaretti, Hiring Partner, Sourcing, Recruiting, Managing Talents
  • RSI: Sofia Cometta, Sviluppo HR e Formazione; Claudio Giribaldi, Consulente Risorse Umane
  • Switzerland Tourism: Laura Guerriero, HR Professional (online)


To participate:

  • Registration opens beginning of November.
  • Places are limited.


For more information: CV Counselling by Industry Experts | USI