Jacopo Crespi, Communication Specialist, IBSA


Servizio alumni

14 Ottobre 2024

To help current students and recent graduates navigate the world of work, several USI Alumni shared their career paths and career story. Here the story of Jacopo Crespi, Communication Specialist at IBSA Group in Lugano (CH). USI Degrees: Master in Media Management, 2021 and Bachelor in Communication, 2018.

How did you start your career?

Since I was young, I have been very passionate about communication and events and tried, in my spare moments from studying, to follow my father in his work as a luxury event planner. This, allowed me to assist in the organization of major events such as the Venice Film Festival and the Brits Awards. During my Master's degree in Media Management, I had an internship at Lugano Living Lab, the City of Lugano's digital innovation lab, and then landed my first full-time job at IBSA.

Why did you choose a career at IBSA Group?

IBSA is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Canton Ticino, and working in the Corporate Communication & IBSA Foundation department allows me to deal with a dynamic, interesting and innovative environment on a daily basis. Dealing with the institutional communication of a pharmaceutical company is very challenging, as it allows you to work on different aspects of communication.

What is your current role/duties?

As Communication Specialist I am in charge of the strategy definition and creation of institutional communication plans for IBSA Foundation for scientific research. I am also responsible for content creation (news, posts, press releases) and institutional materials (newsletter, sustainability report, brand guidelines) and for the management of digital channels (website, social media, blog). I also assist in organizing events and defining and implementing IBSA Foundation projects.

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at IBSA Group?

I believe that collaboration, a continuous desire to stay up-to-date on the latest communication trends, and accuracy are important requirements for working in institutional communication. In this environment, we are interacting with other institutions on a daily basis, and in order to collaborate on projects and partnerships, it is important to communicate accurately and effectively. Especially in the scientific-cultural sphere.

What positive aspects and qualities meant most to you during the study programme you attended?

Having attended both the Bachelor's degree in Communication and the Master's degree in Media Management, I greatly appreciated the theoretical and practical backgrounds acquired during the different courses. The possibility of taking elective courses allows students to enrich their curriculum according to their areas of interest. In addition, I really valued the opportunity to do an internship as a requirement of the degree program. This allowed me to put into practice what I learned during the courses and to start interacting with the working environment.

What competences and skills acquired in your USI Study Program have been useful/are useful to your professional career?

In terms of technical skills, the Masters in Media Management gave me a better understanding of the complex world of media, locally and internationally, as well as the management of digital platforms, such as social media. During my time at USI, I also developed some soft skills that I find useful on a daily basis, like the ability to work in groups, prepare a speech or presentation, and respect deadlines.

What is your advice to USI students entering the job market?

I would suggest always putting yourself out there and being persistent about your goals by believing in your own capabilities. I think determination makes all the difference when entering the working world; showing up willing and with a lot of desire to learn can definitely be a plus. Also, I would tell them to approach internships and other short jobs with enthusiasm and especially not to get discouraged when some interviews don't go, but to keep trying.



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